June 17th, 2021 by Tiff B
Murray Cod Reel of Fortune participant, Corowa’s Mark Williams, has snapped up the competition’s sought-after Goodwill Fish, pocketing $5000 personally and donating an additional $5000 in prize money to his charity of choice within the Murray-Darling Basin system.
Mark, who tagged the winning cod near Narrandera while visiting his parents in the region, has selected OzFish Unlimited as the beneficiary of his angling efforts. The not-for-profit organisation supports recreational fishers to protect and restore fish habitats.
Murray Cod Reel of Fortune restoration project
The $5000 injection of funds from Mark’s winning catch has helped OzFish establish the Murray Cod Reel of Fortune restoration project, which will provide vital homes and feeding grounds for native fish.
OzFish provides a way for the recreational fisher community to get active in habitat protection and restoration because they know more than anyone that there are fewer fish in our rivers, estuaries and reefs than ever before.
For Mark, it’s a chance to give back to a worthwhile project.
“Who would have thought I’d be lucky enough to tag-and-release a winning fish and be in a position to help a local charity like OzFish Unlimited install six large, woody habitats into the Murrumbidgee River near Yanco in New South Wales. It makes me very happy,” Mark said.
The project will get underway on Friday, 23 July 2021.
Can I still register for Murray Cod Reel of Fortune?
Murray Cod Reel of Fortune is presented by Aquna Sustainable Murray Cod and the NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) and is designed to promote positive fishing and community goodwill. The competition runs until August 2021, with seven prize-winning tagged fish still to be caught.
Legal-size, tagged Murray cod have been released into the Murrumbidgee River between Wagga Wagga and Hay. Register now for Murray Cod Reel of Fortune, an initiative that’s part of Aquna Sustainable Murray Cod’s ongoing commitment to making a positive impact on the planet.
June 5th, 2021 by Tiff B
Tonight on MasterChef Australia 2021, Australian chef Josh Niland will show contestants how to turn a 4 kilogram Aquna Sustainable Murray Cod into three courses — entree, main, and dessert — making the most out of one fish.
“I’m going to show you how to take this one fish, and make it disappear,” he said.
In outlining the challenge to the eager contestants, which includes creating a dessert — an iconic lamington with crystallised Murray cod scales — Amir Manoly, a project construction manager from Victoria, responded with, “Oh my cod!”
In May 2021, Josh and Julie Niland announced the launch of a reimagined Australian fish and chip concept called, Charcoal Fish.
Speaking about the Rose Bay venture, Josh explained specifically why Aquna Sustainable Murray Cod will be the backbone of the menu.
“When people talk about flavour profile, it [Murray cod] was seen as muddy, but the science and ingenuity applied by the Aquna brand means it’s not the Murray cod of the past.”
May 5th, 2021 by Tiff B
Taking ownership of what we put on our plates is an important way we can all help protect the planet.
Over the past three decades, global aquaculture, or fish farming, has risen from obscurity to become a critical source of food for millions of people. The current topic of conversation is: who is producing this fish, and how?
The purpose of this article is to explain exactly what we’re doing at Aquna Sustainable Murray Cod to continuously improve our environmental performance — and ultimately inspire positive changes across the industry.
With fish farming considered to be the world’s fastest-growing food production sector, we want to encourage consumers to eat a recoverable fish species from fish farm producers who want to be part of the solution.
Here’s what we’re doing at Aquna to change the fish farming story.
Feeding farmed fish sustainably
According to Mat Ryan, managing director, Aquna Sustainable Murray Cod, who’s been in the agriculture and aquaculture industries for more than 22 years, the character of Murray cod has shaped the way the fish are fed — which has led to development of a fit-for-purpose feeding system.
“Murray cod is a lazy species. They like to sit around and eat! With this in mind, we’ve developed a fully-automated feeding system that provides the right amount of feed, as required. What does this mean? We’re able to minimise waste and maximise the feed conversion ratio (FCR),” says Mat.
FCR is an indicator that measures how efficiently farmed species convert their feed into body weight. At Aquna, our expected FCR is 1.5:1 — an exceptional result that confirms we’re growing efficient fish, using the least amount of feed to produce the maximum amount of protein.
By managing the density of the fish — the number of fish in a given space — Mat notes they’re able to create the most effective environment for feed consumption, which in turn, creates less waste and better use of feed. Murray cod currently require extremely low levels of fish products in its feed. Aquna is working towards using zero fish products in their feed, while maintaining fish growth and health.
Managing organic waste
The trouble with organic waste is, it ends up in the bottom of oceans and rivers and has the potential to build up in surrounding areas. This aspect has long been a criticism of the aquaculture industry. There are two ways Aquna manages organic waste to ensure minimal environmental impacts.
“Firstly, we monitor our water quality closely. When certain levels are reached, there are trigger points when we pump out water from our ponds, and reuse this water for irrigation on farms,” says Mat. “We also deliver organic waste to a local worm farm, where it’s used for making compost.”
Using the same irrigation water twice
With water becoming an increasingly precious resource Aquna is dedicated to maximising the food production from every drop of water that comes onto our farm.
As mentioned previously, our land-based production model uses the same irrigation water twice — once through our fish ponds and then for crop irrigation or pastures on our farms.
Our 100% water recycling system is one of the important reasons we were recognised at the 2019 NSW Business Chamber Awards, and named as winners of the Excellence in Sustainability category.
Caring for and keeping the fish healthy
Aquna’s skilled production team collectively has many years of experience in the breeding and grow out production, work together to care for our fish.
“We spend 80 to 90 per cent of our time perfecting how to grow happy and healthy fish,” says Mat. “Caring for the fish involves constantly testing the water, real-time monitoring for oxygen levels, and regular health checks.”
Finally, our Murray cod thrive in their native river water, raised on land, by food producers who want the best for the fish and the planet.
April 27th, 2021 by Tiff B
Aquna Sustainable Murray Cod has been selected as a State Winner at this year’s delicious. Harvey Norman Produce Awards.
Today’s announcement is kudos for the team at Aquna, who has worked tirelessly to craft a high-quality and versatile fish product.
Lynsey Reilly, Group Manager Marketing and Corporate Affairs, Aquna:
“We’re chuffed to be named as a State Winner in what’s considered to be the pinnacle food awards in Australia — and be recognised in the calibre of the best producers in the country. This is a big deal for Aquna,” she said.
The delicious. Produce Awards, now in its 16th year, unearth and champion Australia’s best and most inventive primary produce and producers with an emphasis on provenance, seasonality and sustainable production methods.
As a 2021 State Winner, we’ve been invited to submit our Murray cod for national judging in Sydney next month. The national judging will determine the 2021 Gold Medalists and Trophy Winners.
Keep an eye out for updates later in the year.
March 23rd, 2021 by Tiff B
What are your plans for the Easter 2021 long weekend?
With traditional family feasts called off last year, thanks to a certain C-word, many of us are looking forward to connecting in-person with our loved ones and friends this Easter, as restrictions around Australia continue to ease.
While chocolate eggs and hot-cross buns are staple Easter treats, why not wow your guests with something different for lunch or dinner? If the pandemic’s taught us anything, it’s eating well can help us stay healthy.
So, here’s what you can do: cook with healthy Murray cod!
Murray cod is a healthy fish
Packed full of vitamins and minerals, Aquna Sustainable Murray Cod is bursting with health benefits. One of the most documented and researched benefits of eating Murray cod is the Omega-3 and -6 fatty acid content.
These ‘good fats’ are great for our health, including reducing our risk of heart disease. Easy to access and in good supply, Aquna Murray cod’s an excellent choice to consider for your Easter holiday get-togethers.
Here’s Murray cod’s nutritional composition, if you’re curious:

Healthy ways to cook Aquna Murray cod
One of the best things about our sustainably-farmed Murray cod is its versatile cooking qualities. With a firm texture and natural flavour, Murray cod holds together well, however you cook it.
Healthy ways to cook Murray cod include:
- Baking
- Grilling
- Steaming
- Pan-searing
- Shallow frying.
Even if you’re not confident cooking fish, Murray cod has a naturally oily texture, which keeps its moisture when cooked. This means Murray cod tastes great, even if it’s been overcooked!
NEW Aquna Murray cod recipes
You’re convinced Murray cod will be perfect on your Easter menu. Now what? Well, here’s some NEW recipes from Heston Blumenthal to impress your family and friends. Enjoy experimenting with Murray cod!
RECIPE: Curried Murray cod with cauliflower
RECIPE: Murray cod en papillote
RECIPE: Miso marinated black Murray cod
Where can I buy Aquna Sustainable Murray Cod?
Here’s where you can buy Aquna Sustainable Murray Cod
February 17th, 2021 by Tiff B
Recreational anglers, get your fishing rods ready — the Riverina’s richest Murray cod tagged fishing competition is officially underway! Launched this week, Murray Cod Reel of Fortune has $30,000 in cash prizes up for grabs, in a new initiative designed to encourage local and visiting recreational anglers to wet a line in the rivers and creeks of the Murray-Darling Basin.
For the team at Aquna Sustainable Murray Cod, the fishing competition is about generating a competitive spirit between anglers who are keen to win one of 10 cash prizes, with a chance to give back to their favourite charity in the region. According to Aquna managing director, Mat Ryan:
“One of the important objectives is to create community goodwill. While the major prize is a $10,000 catch, one fish is tagged for a lucky angler to win $5000, plus an additional $5000 to donate to the angler’s charity of choice within the Murray-Darling Basin system,” he said.
So, where can I catch a Murray cod?
Reel of Fortune will see 10 legal-size, tagged Murray cod released into the Murrumbidgee River between Wagga Wagga and Hay. It’s important you follow our event partner, NSW Department of Primary Industries’ freshwater fishing rules and regulations.
If you’re new to fishing for Murray cod, whatever lure you’re using, getting it as close as you can to a log, or other structure, is going to be your best bet. Why? Because Murray cod are known as log hogs! Unlike other fish, they’re an ambush predator and will lie in wait.
Should you catch a Murray cod, check to see if it’s a competition fish. Each competition Murray cod has an Aquna-branded T-Bar tag, with an identifying number. But, you’ll need to be registered in the fishing competition to claim the relevant prize(s).
Who can fish for the competition Murray cod?
You’re eligible to enter the competition if you’re over 18 years of age (or have parental consent, if you’re under 18 years of age). Anglers must be registered to participe. Entry to the fishing competition is free. Once you’ve registered, you’re ready to wet a line and get started.
How does the fishing competition work?
Visit Murray Cod Reel of Fortune for information on how the fishing competition works, including details on the cash prizes. Remember, the biggest catch is a $10,000 fish, followed by a $5000 winner, which comes with additional $5000 to give to your favourite charity in the region.
If you’re a registered angler and have complied with the competition Terms and Conditions , you’ll be eligible for the cash-prize attached to the tagged Murray cod. Cut off the tag on capture of the competition fish, for presentation to Aquna officials, in person, for final verification.
What’s next?
Murray Cod Reel of Fortune is open now for registered anglers and will close on 23:59, 31 August 2021. Register now.
November 4th, 2020 by Tiff B
A hugely popular South American dish, ceviche (pronounced she-vee-cheh) is bursting with flavour.
Ceviche is a fresh fish dish where diced cubes of raw fish marinate in citrus juices. The reaction of the juices cures the fish protein and causes it to become opaque and firm, while absorbing flavour. This process is called denaturing, where the acid in the citrus denatures the protein in the fish, much the same way as cooking would.
Heston Blumenthal has created a simple Aquna Murray Cod ceviche recipe that transforms the centuries old Peruvian staple into a modern, fresh, balanced and delicious dish, where both the Murray cod and fresh flavours are boldly out on display.
In commenting on his Murray cod ceviche recipe, Mr Blumenthal said that a great piece of fish doesn’t need much to make it sing.
“Try simply marinating cubes of Aquna Sustainable Murray Cod in citrus juices then mixing them with a sharp, zingy salsa mix for a dish that pops with freshness.”
Although ceviche’s exact origin is somewhat murky, one fascinating theory suggests that the delicious delicacy originated among the coastal Moche civilisation of Peru around 2,000 years ago.
While the source of this culinary delight is disputed, ceviche has its own National Day in Peru – confirmation that this colourful little summertime appetiser certainly needs to be on your must-try list.
Download the full recipe card.
September 18th, 2020 by Tiff B
Where there’s smoke there’s flavour. If you are looking for a knock-your-socks-off Sunday brunch recipe – we have you covered!
Recently, we let Heston Blumenthal loose with some Aquna Sustainable Murray Cod and he turned our iconic native fish into a delicious smoked Murray cod omelette that shows the diversity of Australia’s greatest eating fish.
“Aquna Sustainable Murray Cod stands up very well to smoking, which gives the fish a whole new flavour dimension, Mr Blumenthal said.”
“This fish has great levels of gelatin and good fat integration into the flesh. Fat holds flavour, and the flavour of the smoke comes through beautifully.”
“And it’s very easy to do. You simply put an Aquna fillet in a tin with a few wood chips and in five minutes it’s done. You can then use Murray cod as a filling for an omelette that’s totally smoking, he said.”
Aquna’s Corporate Affairs Manager, Lynsey Reilly is thrilled to see a smoked omelette recipe in the 10-part Heston Blumenthal series.
“Last year when Heston visited our farms in Griffith, he took the time to smoke one of our fillets. It was particularly interesting to hear his take on why Aquna Murray Cod is the ideal fish for smoking and to see how easy it is to do.”
“Smoking Murray cod at home may sound intimidating, but it’s really no more difficult than grilling and to have Heston create a breakfast/brunch recipe, really demonstrates that Murray cod is a fish that can be eaten at any time of the day, she concluded.”
Watch Heston smoke an Aquna Murray Cod fillet here.
August 11th, 2020 by Tiff B
Let’s face it, delicious treats at home are the order of the day in 2020… So, if you’re looking for a winter pick-me-up, our latest Heston Blumenthal recipe is the perfect inspiration.
Aquna Murray Cod Rillette is similar to a confit and partners perfectly with a lightly toasted sourdough, as a gourmet starter or makes an elegant party platter centrepiece.
Relatively simple to create, Mr Blumenthal described rillette as a classic French spread for bread.
“Most typically, it’s made with pork slow-cooked in fat, but here, Aquna Murray Cod takes centre-stage to create something delicious and completely addictive – every fridge should have a jar, he said.”
Aquna’s Sales Manager, Joe DeBelin thinks Aquna Murray Cod Rillette is a nice addition to the 10-part Heston Blumenthal recipe series.
“I think there is something for everyone in this incredible recipe series. What I particularly like about this recipe however, is it utilises everyday ingredients that many of us already have in our kitchens.”
“A rillette can look intimidating, but Heston has created this delicious version using Aquna Murray Cod, that is relatively simple to whip up, Joe added”
“The creamy nature of the Murray cod, works really well for a rillette – I’ve already made this recipe several times, he concluded.”
Click here, for the Murray Cod Rillette and all Aquna recipes.
July 16th, 2020 by Tiff B
Aquna Sustainable Murray Cod (Aquna) is excited to announce that Heston Blumenthal and the Fat Duck Group have developed a series of 10 Aquna recipes.
Considered one of the world’s finest chefs, Blumenthal, OBE, is the proprietor of several acclaimed restaurants and pubs in Great Britain, including The Fat Duck, which earned its first Michelin star in 1999.
Aquna’s Managing Director, Mathew Ryan is delighted to have Mr Blumenthal working with our team to create some incredible Murray cod recipes.
“Heston is an iconic and influential chef who is known for his scientific approach to cuisine. This “multi-sensory” approach really aligns with our brand ideals of innovation and inventiveness and I think people will be delighted with the outcome.”
“We’re releasing one recipe each month, beginning with Aquna Murray Cod with lemon butter and capers, Mat said.”
“This recipe is particularly unique as it utilises the belly fat from the Murray cod. We love this aspect from both a taste and waste reduction perspective, he concluded.”
According to Mr Blumenthal, the gelatinous nature of the Aquna Murray Cod, make it an incredibly versatile fish.
“Enlivening an Aquna Murray Cod fillet with a simple, sharp lemon-and-caper sauce brings out the best in the fish.”
“The clever extra dimension in this recipe, though, is using the fish’s own belly fat as part of that sauce to add greater depth to the flavours, Mr Blumenthal said.”