

4 x 200g Aquna Murray Cod, fillets

12 pieces of pencil fennel

½ punnet tomberries, cut in half 250g fregola

100ml extra virgin olive oil

100g leeks, thinly sliced

100g french shallots, diced

2 garlic cloves, crushed

200g butter

200ml lobster bisque

¼ tsp sumac

¼ bunch parsley, chopped

pink salt to taste

lemon extra virgin olive oil



In a saucepan, bring salted water to the boil. Lightly blanch the pencil fennel for one minute, remove it, refresh in iced water, drain and dry. Add the fregola to the boiling water and cook until al dente. Drain and coat with extra virgin olive oil. Add two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, sliced leeks, and diced shallots to melted butter in a saucepan. Sauté together until soft and butter is absorbed without colour.


Heat your oven to 200 degrees celsius. Take your Aquna Murray Cod, lightly coat it with extra virgin olive oil and season it with pink salt. Place a non-stick fry-pan on medium heat, and place the fish skin side down. Slowly cook to a crisp as the pan increases heat. Once crisp, turn and lightly seal. Place fish onto a lined baking tray and cook for 5-10 minutes until cooked, depending on the thickness of your fillet. Place pencil fennel onto a lined baking tray, lightly oil and salt. Cook in the oven for 5 minutes until lightly coloured In a saucepan, add the leek and shallot mix and warm. Add fregola and lobster bisque, then boil and simmer until the liquid is absorbed into the fregola. Add chopped parsley, tomberries, sumac and pink salt to taste.


Warm four plates. Place the fregola in the centre of the plate in a flat circle, top with three pencil fennel. Top with the Aquna Murray Cod, and drizzle with lemon extra virgin olive oil. Finish with sumac and pink salt.